Home > Hercules > MVT 21.8 > MVT 21.8 Programs

This page contains links to programs written for MVT 21.8, or modified to support MVT 21.8:

PDS - updated 2021-08-18 (cover letter)
The TSO PDS command, version 7.0, modified to run under MVT. This is version 7.0.03 of the MVT PDS command. All internal subcommands are supported. External subcommands REVIEW and COMPARE are supported if the required REVIEW and COMPARE programs are also installed. Requires the OS/VS XF Assembler IFOX00 for assembly. The only difference between version 7.0.02 and 7.0.03 of PDS for MVT is the change of the default unit from SYSALLDA to SYSDA (size 357,421 bytes)
REVIEW - added 2010-06-22 (cover letter)
The TSO REVIEW command from CBT tape 249 file 296, modified to run under MVT (size 51,008 bytes). This version has basic browse functionality only, and does not yet include the REVEDIT capability. Requires the OS/VS XF Assembler IFOX00 for assembly.
COMPARE - added 2010-06-22 (cover letter)
The TSO COMPARE command from CBT tape 478 file 296, modified to run under MVT (size 31,328 bytes). Requires the OS/VS XF Assembler IFOX00 for assembly.
VSCOPY - updated 2010-06-02 (cover letter)
OS/VS IEBCOPY modified to run under MVT (size 32,758 bytes). For more information, see the excellent discussion by Jay Moseley.
VSASM - added 2010-04-03 (cover letter)
OS/VS Assembler XF IFOX00 (size 78,733 bytes), with sample install JCL (size 600 bytes).
VSLINK - updated 2010-06-02 (cover letter)
OS/VS Linkage Editor HEWLF064 (size 38,313 bytes), with sample install JCL (size 969 bytes). Requires the VSCOPY program to reload from tape.
SYSVICMD - updated 2006-09-22 (cover letter)
Subtask attached by IEEVIPL to issue IPL commands from "SYS1.PARMLIB(COMMNDxx)" (size 12,964 bytes). Requires usermod TMVT804.

Home > Hercules > MVT 21.8 > MVT 21.8 Programs