++ USERMOD(TX67311) /* REWORK(20210520) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67311 - Install IEFUIV SMF exit. COMPONENT: 5741-SC1B4-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67311 ++ USERMOD(TX67311) /* REWORK(20210716) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67311 - Install IEFUIV SMF exit. COMPONENT: 5741-SC1B4-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67311 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DEPENDENCY: This usermod can only be installed on a VS1 system generated with SMF support. For that to be the case, "SMF=FULL" (recommended) or "SMF=BASIC" must have been specified on the SCHEDULR stage 1 macro (the default for SMF is NOTSUPPLIED). DOCUMENTATION: System message IEF100I added. Publication: OS/VS1 System Messages Form Number: GC38-1001 Message IEF100I is added: IEF100I jjj ON READER ddd IEF100I jjj ON INTRDR Explanation: A JOB statement has been detected in the input stream for job jjj. The first form of the message is issued when the new job has been read on real device ddd. The second form of the message is issued when the new job is encounted in an input stream being processed by the incore reader. System Action: When the new job has been completely read, VS1 will place it on the input queue. Operator Response: None COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2021/07/16 THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: MODULES IEFUIV LISTEND */. ++ SRC (IEFUIV ) DISTLIB(ASAMPLIB) SYSLIB(SAMPLIB ).