++ USERMOD(TX67805) /* REWORK(20210517) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) . ++ IF FMID(EPM1101) THEN REQ (UX15738) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX60805 - VS1 toleration for years greater than 1999. Note that this support only provides tolerance of a TOD clock that is already set to a year greater than 1999. It does not modify VS1 commands to allow the year to be set to a value greater than 1999 under VS1. Operator commands have not been modified to allow four-digit years, so the hardware clock must already have been set to the correct value before VS1 is IPLed. Because of sloppy IBM coding in VS1, the largest year that VS1 can handle is 2034. If the TOD clock year is greater than 2034, VS1 IPL will fail with a wait013. COMPONENT: 5741-SC1B8-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DEPENDENCY: This usermod can only be installed on a VS1 system generated with extended timer support. For that to be the case, "CTIMERS=INCLUDE" must have been specified on the CENPROCS stage 1 macro (the default for CTIMERS is EXCLUDE). DOCUMENTATION: Text of system message IEE054I modified. Publication: OS/VS Message Library: VS1 System Messages Form Number: GC38-1001 Message IEE054I is modified as follows: IEE054I DATE=yyyy.ddd,CLOCK=hh.mm.ss IEE054I DATE=yyyy.ddd,CLOCK=hh.mm.ss,GMT Explanation: The first message displays the current date and time in the local time zone. The second message displays the current UTC date and time for operator reference and verification. In each message, yyyy specifies the year (1900-2041), ddd specifies the day (001-366), hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm specifies the minute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). System Action: None: Operator Response: None DOCUMENTATION: Text of system message IEE136I modified. Publication: OS/VS Message Library: VS1 System Messages Form Number: GC38-1001 Message IEE136I is modified as follows: IEE136I TIME=hh.mm.ss DATE=yyyy.ddd Explanation: In response to a DISPLAY T command, this message indicates the time of day and the date. In the message text, hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm specifies the minute (00-59), ss specifies the second (00-59), yyyy specifies the year (1900-2041), and ddd specifies the day (001-366). Operator Response: None COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2021/05/17 THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: MODULES IEE3503D (load module IGC3503D) IEE0903D (load module IGC6503D, alias IGX00010) IEE6603D (load module IGX00009) LISTEND */. ++ ZAP (IEE3503D) DISTLIB(AOSB3 ). ++ ZAP (IEE0903D) DISTLIB(AOSB3 ). ++ ZAP (IEE6603D) DISTLIB(AOSB3 ).