++ USERMOD(TX67807) /* REWORK(20210410) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) PRE (UX12742,UX12713) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67807 - Support "SYSOUT=*" as in MVS. COMPONENT: 5741-SC1B9-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67807 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DOCUMENTATION: Description of "SYSOUT=" parameter modified. Publication: OS/VS1 JCL Reference Form Number: GC24-5099 The "Rules for Coding" section in the description of the SYSOUT parameter in the "DD" section of the manual is replaced by the following: Rules for Coding 1. The classname can be any alphameric character (A-Z, 0-9) or *. 2. The form number is one to four alphameric and national (@,$, #) characters. 3. The OUTLIM, UCS, FCB, COPIES, BURST, FLASH, CHARS, MODIFY, COMPACT, DEST, HOLD, DSID and DCB parameters can be coded with the SYSOUT parameter. Besides the mutually exclusive parameters listed below, other parameters coded with the SYSOUT parameter are ignored. 4. The DISP, DDNAME, AFF, SEP. VOLUME, LABEL, SPLIT, MSVGP, and SUBALLOC parameters and the SYSOUT parameter are mutually exclusive parameters; therefore, if any of these parameters are coded, do not code the SYSOUT parameter. 5. When PROFILE='profile string' is coded, it overrides the SYSOUT classname. 6. If PROFILE= is the only SYSOUT subparameter coded, it does not have to be enclosed in parentheses. However, if the sysout profile string continues from one line to another, each line must being and end with an apostrophe and the entire group must be enclosed in parentheses. 7. To print the output data set and the messages from your job on the same output listing, specify the same output class in the SYSOUT parameter as you specified for messages in the MSGCLASS parameter. Or, specify SYSOUT=* for all data sets you want to default to the MSGCLASS output class. DOCUMENTATION: Description of "SYSOUT=" parameter modified. Publication: OS/VS1 JCL Services Form Number: GC24-5100 The section "Assigning Output Data Sets to Output Classes" in chapter 2, "Description of JCL Services" under "Defining and Describing Data Sets" subsection "Obtaining Output", is replaced as follows: Assigning Output Data Sets to Output Classes The purpose of output classes is to group output with similar characteristics that will be written to the same device. The 36 possible output classes are each designated by a letter from A through Z or a number from 0 through 9. The letter and number names have no inherent meaning. Each installation defines its own output classes when the system is generated. For example, output class W might contain output to be written to a printer and requiring a special form; class J might be reserved for high-volume output. To assign an output data set to an output class, code the SYSOUT parameter on the DD statement defining the data set: //DATASET DD SYSOUT=W If the system programmer has generated the ISSP (installation specified selection parameters) tables, you can assign an output data set to an output class by using the PROFILE keyword parameter instead of the CLASSNAME positional parameter on the SYSOUT DD statement. If you want the output data set and the messages from your job to be printed on the same output listing, specify the same output class in the SYSOUT parameter as you specified for messages in the MSGCLASS param- eter. If the output classes are selected through ISSP, describe the output using the same profile string with both the PROFILE (on the DD statement) and MPROFILE (on the job statement) keywords. Alternatively, you may specify the SYSOUT class as *: //DATASET DD SYSOUT=* to cause an output data set to be printed on the same output listing as the messages from your job. Additional information and an example showing the use of ISSP to assign output classes is shown in this section under "Assigning Output Classes Using ISSP." If you omitted the MSGCLASS and MPROFILE parameters, code the default output class for messages in the SYSOUT parameter. (For details on coding the MSGCLASS parameter, see the section "Controlling the Output Listing of JCL Statements, Messages, and Dumps.") COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2021/04/10 THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: MODULES IEFVFA IEFVDA LISTEND */. ++ ZAP (IEFVFA ) DISTLIB(AOSB3 ). ++ ZAP (IEFVDA ) DISTLIB(AOSB3 ).