++ USERMOD(TX67809) /* REWORK(20210520) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67809 - Change JOBCARD system generation macro: (1) to generate "*** JOBCARD ***" comment at the start of each job; (2) to set custom job name; (3) to add "TYPRUN=HOLD"; (4) to add JOBCAT statement (maybe). VS1 system generation does not permit the use of alternate qualifiers in DLIB data set names (that is, all DLIB names must be of the form "SYS1.xxxx"). It also requires DLIBs to be cataloged. This can cause a problem when the system being used to run a VS1 sysgen stage 2 job stream has its own DLIBs already cataloged. The problem can be circumvented provided the generating system supports VSAM by creating a VSAM user catalog in which the VS1 DLIB data sets have been cataloged using DEFINE NONVSAM statements. The DLIB catalog can then be specified for use by VS1 stage 2 jobs using a JOBCAT DD statement generated by the JOBCARD macro for each job. To generate the JOBCAT for stage 2 jobs, modify card 12000000 in the JOBCARD macro below as follows: (1) Specify the DLIB user catalog name in the DSN= parameter (the sample below has "SYS1.FDLB67.CATALOG"); (2) Remove the assembler comment (".*") from the start of the card. COMPONENT: 5741-SC1S1-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67809 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: IOGEN: An I/O generation is required for implementation of the functionality added by this usermod. GENTYPE = IO COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2021/05/20 REWORK HISTORY: 2021/05/20: Created. THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: MACROS JOBCARD LISTEND */. ++ MACUPD (JOBCARD ) DISTLIB(AGENLIB ).