++ USERMOD(TX67816) /* REWORK(20210219) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67816 - 3270 high intensity is not used for immediate action messages. All console messages displayed using the shipped 3277 console support are shown in low intensity, whereas the expected behaviour for 3270 OS consoles is that 3270 dual intensity is exploited so that immediate messages including WTORs are displayed in high intensity until processed by DOM. This usermod updates the 3277 console write module to update the 3270 field attribute byte for each in-line message line according to the action message status of the message shown on that line before the screen is written. Changed 2007/04/16 to handle the case of a highlighted message being overwritten by an out-of-line display. COMPONENT: 5751-SC1C4-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67816 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: NONE: COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2021/02/19 REWORK HISTORY: 2021/02/19: Created. PRYCROFT SIX P/L PUBLIC DOMAIN USERMOD FOR MVS 3.8 NO. 4. THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: CROSS REFERENCE-MODULE/MACRO NAMES TO USERMODS IEECVETV TX67816 CROSS REFERENCE-USERMODS TO MODULE/MACRO NAMES TX67816 IEECVETV MODULES IEECVETV NOTE: This usermod must be reinstalled following an I/O generation. */.