++ USERMOD(TX67819) /* REWORK(20220423) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67819 - Change text of message IEF452I JOB NOT RUN to specify reason as either JCL ERROR or TYPRUN=SCAN as appropriate, consistent with VS1 release 7.0. COMPONENT: 5741-SC1B4-EBA1101 5741-SC1B9-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67819 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DOCUMENTATION: Explanation of message IEF452I replaced. Publication: OS/VS1 System Messages Form Number: GC38-1001 IEF452I xxx JOB NOT RUN - { JCL ERROR | TYPRUN=SCAN } [TIME=hh.mm.ss] Explanation: If xxx is a job name, the interpreter detected an error in a job control statement, the job was canceled while on the input queue, or TYPRUN=SCAN was specified on the JOB card. If xxx is a cataloged procedure name, the procedure was specified in the first operand of a START command. In this case, either the procedure was not found in the system procedure library (SYSl.PROCLIB) or, if found, the procedure had an error in a job control statement. The actual error message appears in the system output (SYSOUT) data set. In response to a MONITOR command with JOBNAMES,T in its operand field, this message also indicates the time of day, where hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm specifies the minute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). System Action: If xxx is a job name, the job was not initiated and no steps were executed. If xxx is a procedure name, the START command was not executed. Operator Response: If xxx is a job name, none. If xxx is a procedure name, either reenter the START command with the correct procedure name, or, if the procedure name is correct, have the programmer responsible for the system check the procedure for errors. COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2022/04/23 THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: MODULES IEFSD21Q IEFVGK IEFWSTRT LISTEND */. ++ ZAP (IEFVGK ) DISTLIB(AOSB3 ). ++ SRC (IEFSD21Q) DISTLIB(ASAMPLIB) SYSLIB(SAMPLIB ). ++ SRC (IEFWSTRT) DISTLIB(ASAMPLIB) SYSLIB(SAMPLIB ).