++ USERMOD(TX67851) /* REWORK(20220812) */ . ++ VER (X067) FMID(EBA1101) PRE (UX12589) /* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): TX67851 - VS1/Hercules integration. Generally speaking, this usermod causes VS1 to treat Hercules as though it was VM/370. This permits VS1 to run in non-paging mode and use up to 16320K of real storage. One diagnose X'10' in IEAPGTS, used to release pages, is bypassed. Hercules doesn't support diagnose X'10'. The mod determines if it is running under Hercules by checking the CPU version ID and the hypervisor name returned by diagnose X'00', store extended identification code. VM/370 returns X'FF' as the CPU version ID and "VM/370" as hypervisor identification. This mod checks for CPU version ID of X'FD' and hypervisor identification code "HERCULES" to determine that it's running under Hercules. To disable VS1/Hercules integration, make sure that either the version ID or hypervisor ID returned by Hercules is changed. For example, modify the Hercules configuration file either to set: CPUVERID FE or: LPARNAME name where "name" is anything other than "HERCULES". COMPONENT: 5741-SC1C8-EBA1101 5741-SC1CN-EBA1101 APARS FIXED: TX67851 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DOCUMENTATION: Text of system message IEA788I modified. Publication: OS/VS1 System Messages Form Number: GC38-1001 Message IEA788I is modified as follows: IEA788I NON-PAGING MODE OF VS1 UNDER { VM/370 } { HERCULES } Explanation: OS/VS1 is running with the real storage size equal to the virtual storage size, as the result of running under the indicated hypervisor, either VM/370 or HERCULES. System Action: Virtual storage is mapped one-to-one to the real storage. Operator Response: None COMMENTS: LAST CHANGE: 2022/08/12 REWORK HISTORY: 2022/08/12: Fixed sequence numbers in CVT macro modification. 2021/04/24: Created. THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: MACROS CVT IEAANIP IEANIPDC IEAPGTS LISTEND */. ++ MACUPD (IEAANIP ) DISTLIB(AMODGEN ). ++ MACUPD (IEANIPDC) DISTLIB(AMODGEN ). ++ MACUPD (CVT ) DISTLIB(AMODGEN ). ++ MACUPD (IEAPGTS ) DISTLIB(AMODGEN ).