Home > Hercules > MVS 3.8

IBM's follow-on mainframe operating system to OS/360 MVT was OS/VS2. VS2 Release 1 was essentially MVT operating in virtual storage instead of real storage. VS2 Release 2 was a substantial rewrite of Release 1. Instead of having all jobs mapped into a single virtual storage, like VS2 Release 1, Release 2 provided a separate virtual storage for each job. This concept was called Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), the name by which VS2 Release 2 and its successors became known.

The last version of MVS that IBM didn't charge for was MVS Release 3.8.

A updated prebuilt turnkey MVS 3.8 system, with quite a few free and open source products already installed, is available from Rob Prins' MVS Turnkey 5 System site.

Many MVS manuals are available on the Web. More information about MVS manuals is here.

Quite a few user modifications and the like have been developed for MVS 3.8. My contributions to that list are below.

Home > Hercules > MVS 3.8